St. Jude Trike-A-Thon

Kids on bikes

Our first ever St. Jude Trike-A-Thon was a success! Children filled the school with bikes and trikes of all sizes. I mean, who wouldn’t love to bring their bike to school? Safety first, as we buckled our helmets and started with our infants and toddler groups kicking or should we say “flintstoning” their way around the playground. A few laps were made the toddlers, but really they were just happy to enjoy some time in the sun.

Our pre-k and TK classes rallied around the closed parking lot while listening to some music to motivate them to make those extra laps. Our families cheered them on as they pedaled around our guided track smiling and racing with their friends. It was an eventful day and one to remember because not every day do you get to bring your bike to your preschool. As always, living a kid’s life!


Graduation Day 2019